Breastfeeding or Bottle-feeding Overview

Breastfeeding or Bottle-feeding Overview

This session aims to give you a complete overview regarding your choice of infant feeding.


If you have decided to breastfeed,  the session is recommended as a face-to-face session two hour session.
This will cover:

  • Attachment and positioning (practical holding & positioning demonstration with doll)
  • Signs of a good breastfeed
  • Knowing your baby is getting enough breastmilk
  • Signs of mastitis and when to seek help
  • Signs of tongue-tie
  • Introducing you to local support groups


Bottle Feeding PhotoIf you have decided to bottle-feed your baby,  the session will cover preparing and sterilizing bottles and reviewing optimum parent-to-baby attachment.   It is suggested that this session would take no more than one hour and could be completed virtually.

Both topics can be enhanced with a further 30 minute  ‘caring for your baby at home and signs of a ‘well baby’  overview.

Once baby is here, a post-natal infant feeding support visit can also be arranged; please ring or leave a text to arrange this particular visit.

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